SR22, FR44, & Liability Only Car Insurance in Florida
The BEST Way To Find Cheap Car Insurance in Florida.
We've helped 12,000+ Florida residents find cost-effective, and hard-to-place auto insurance.
View our pricing and start quotes in seconds today!

Regardless of your situation, 5-Star can help you with car insurance.
Things happen — we get it! It's why we created 5-Star Insurance. To help anyone, and everyone in Florida get quality car insurance coverage, regardless of their own unique situation. 12,000+ customers can't be wrong!
2 Easy Ways To Get Covered:

Karen Riles, Agency Client
Here's how we help Florida residents with their car insurance:
Share your details
We need some basic info like name, contact number, email, and a few other items, to fully process your rate comparisons.
We search the market
Through our comprehensive comparison process, we shop multiple different carriers to find you the best option.
Coverage placement
Once our quoting process is complete, we can quickly & efficiently help you get your auto coverage in place.

When saving money matters, 5-Star Insurance gets the job done.
It's true — insurance isn't just about cutting cost, however, depending on your situation, price could be the most important factor when shopping for insurance. We get it. Thankfully, with 5-Star Insurance, we proactively shop & compare the top insurance providers to find the best price possible, based on your coverage needs, and budget.
Get started online in seconds, or call us direct!
We know everyone is busy! It's why we have different ways to get started. Simply head to our pricing page to fill out some basic information, or give us a call at (727) 620-0620 and we can get the process started for you quickly and easily!

Other Ways 5-Star Can Help
In addition to helping Florida residents get back on the road quickly, 5-Star Insurance
can also help with other insurance products, like liability only auto, commercial auto, motorcycle and more!
View Pricing & Get Quotes!
Our team is one click or call away from helping you find better car insurance.